
Bladez (U14)

Price: $220 per term

Days: Wednesday (6:30 – 7:30 PM) & Saturday (1:00 – 2:30 PM)

KidSport is available for eligible Bladez members, providing $500 annually towards club fees.

We run special classes for fencers aged 13 and younger. The sessions run on Saturdays from 1:00 – 2:30 PM and Wednesdays from 6:30 – 7:30 PM during the school term. Attendance at both sessions is not mandatory.

The Bladez class is run by a dedicated senior coach and assistant coach, and features…

  • Footwork, bladework and rules for foil (one of the three fencing weapons)
  • Fencing and general athletic skills taught via fun games and drills
  • Supervised bouting between the members of the class
  • Periodic competitions and events

Equipment hire is included in the price. The Bladez kids have assigned gear that they take home with them between sessions. All they need to bring is…

  • Closed shoes
  • Pants which come down far enough to cover their knees (full-length pants recommended)
  • (optional) A drink bottle – there are drink fountains at the centre, but it’s more convenient to have your own
  • (optional) A towel – fencing can get pretty sweaty, especially during the warmer months!

NOTE: All loaned equipment is returned either when they leave Bladez or at the end of the year (for stock-take).

To learn how to sign up, click here.

New to fencing (14+)

Price: $220 per term

Days: Saturday (2:30 PM – 4:30 PM)

Fencing is an uncommon sport in Australia and can be quite difficult to get into without proper guidance. Our dedicated beginners course is the perfect introduction to fencing, featuring…

  • An introduction to all three weapons (yes, there’s more than kind of sword!)
  • The basics of the en-guarde position and movement in fencing (footwork)
  • An overview of the rules for each weapon (yep, they even have different rules)

The course runs in a small group with a dedicated coach over 6 weeks, and includes 4 weeks of general session access (in the weapon of your choosing) once the 6 weeks are completed.

Hire for all equipment you’ll need during the 10 weeks is included in the price – all you need to bring is…

  • Closed shoes (the foot is valid target in some cases!)
  • Pants which come down far enough to cover your knees (full-length pants recommended)
  • (optional) A drink bottle – there are drink fountains at the centre, but it’s more convenient to have your own
  • (optional) A towel – fencing can get pretty sweaty, especially during the warmer months!

To sign up for our beginners courses, click here!

General sessions

Price: $125 per term (Senior) or $100 per term (Junior)

KidSport is available for eligible Juniors, providing $500 annually towards club fees.

General sessions are what most Senior (18+) and Junior (14+) fencers will be attending. They usually run from late January to mid December on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays.

Session activities will vary depending on the day – see the table below for more details:

Monday6:30 PM9:00 PM– General fencing
– Coaches will often run private lessons during this session1
Wednesday6:30 PM9:00 PM– Structured warm-up and footwork under one of our coaches
– Weapon-specific group lessons (pending coach availability)2
– General fencing
Saturday2:00 PM4:30 PM– Structured warm-up and footwork under one of our coaches
– Weapon-specific group lessons (pending coach availability)
– General fencing
  1. Private lessons are organised between the coach and student independently of Cavaliers ↩︎
  2. Coaches are in short supply, we do our best – but can’t guarantee the sessions for all weapons ↩︎

Equipment hire is available for those who haven’t yet purchased their own equipment. We offer discounts for novice fencers (within their first 2 calendar years) and it’s free for KidSport eligible fencers.

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